Wing Chun Kung Fu Rules and Regulations

Wing Chun Kung Fu Rules and Regulations


Wing Chun Kung Fu Instructors are trained directly

License Fees

Schools are directly linked to Wing Chun Kung Fu by means of paying a license fee, the license fee allows the instructor to teach under the brand of Wing Chun Kung Fu and must follow the rules and regulations as laid out here and in there license agreement.

Student membership

Future students who are currently training under a different instructor or organisation that is not affiliated with Wing Chun Kung Fu must notify the instructor immediately

Annual Membership

All students wishing to belong to the brand of Wing Chun Kung Fu must register and be accepted as a student, registration details are to be completed and payment of the annual member fee accepted and student license booklet issued.

It is the responsibility of the student to look after the membership booklet at all times and maintain the booklet is good order, students must make the membership booklet available for inspection at all times.

It is the students responsibility to make sure that the annual membership is renewed before its expiry date and not allowed to lapse

Lifetime Membership

Lifetime membership can be purchased at the time of Joining or at the point of annual renewal and once purchased the student becomes a member for life, Students grades will be maintained and access to Wing Chun Kung Fu Seminars and courses will be held open.

Replacement licence booklet

It is the responsibility of the member to safeguard their Membership booklet, on occasions that these are lost or misplaced the student must notify Wing Chun Kung Fu immediately and a replacement booklet issued to the cost as follows:

Adults £10.00

Children £5.00


Students must be based in one Wing Chun Kung Fu school and this will be there point of contact under one instructor, Training must be maintained at the student core location before being allowed to train in multiply locations.

Cross Training through Wing Chun Kung Fu schools other than the enrolled school


Merchandise and Equipment

Equipment and uniform can only be purchased by current members with a active membership registration

Instructor certification and License agreements

Grading and certification

Student grades remain active only if the members annual membership is current, if the Membership is allowed to lapse Wing Chun Kung Fu have the right to void all grades

Fees and charges

Change of Personal Details

Wing Chun Kung Fu rules and regulations may be changed or amended at any given time with out notification, it is the responsibility of the student or Parent/Guardian to stay up to date with the current rules and regulations of the organisation