Wing Chun Kung Fu School Finder
Welcome to the Wing Chun School finder page, Please feel free to either search for a school near you by placing your postcode into the search and amend the radius around your location or alternatively complete the contact form at the bottom of the page and the instructor closest to you will contact you directly and help with any questions that you may have.
The listed locations here are by no means a full list of the locations that we are currently able to service through out the UK, the listed locations here are verified address details and therefore as new locations are confirmed they will be updated.
We are a full time dedicated Wing Chun Kung Fu Martial Arts Organisation and therefore we have full time Martial Arts instructors in each region of the United Kingdom who are in the process of opening new locations through out their region and are generally able to fit around your schedule, with this in mind our instructors should be able to get you started where ever you live, work or just find yourself and once we have either enough students to make a new venue go live or have confirmed the address details for your location we will place them live for your information.
If the location is not listed yet please contact us directly and the instructor local to your area will contact you directly to discuss how to get you started on your Wing Chun Journey.
[wpsl]If you would like to be directed to your nearest Wing Chun Instructor the quickest and easiest way is to complete the form below and the instructor will contact you as soon as possible.
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